Friday, July 16, 2010


The 16 most intelligent sci-fi films ever made

The IQ at the multiplex this summer has taken a sharp turn upward with the long-awaited release of Inception, director Christopher Nolan's follow-up to The Dark Knight and his first all-original script since his tiny indie debut, 1998's Following.
Don't get us wrong: Inception is action-packed, massive filmmaking on a grand, crowd-pleasing scale, and it doesn't look down its nose at the genre. But it's also a movie that demands that the audience pay attention and think—something all too rare during the summer blockbuster season (especially this one), when moviegoers are practically encouraged to check their brains at the door.

Nolan's gamble may prove too challenging to crowds looking to cool off and have some fun, but we think it's worth the effort. With that in mind, here's a look at some other sci-fi movies that have offered viewers more than just a roller-coaster ride—with some of them perhaps a little too smart for their own good.
Thinking caps on, everyone ...

2001: A Space Odyssey

The granddaddy of all thinking man's sci-fi films, Stanley Kubrick's cosmic vision lifted the genre right out of the drive-ins and double features and finally earned it critical respect. Kubrick also trusted his audience to make their own conclusions and not have everything spoonfed to them—which thrilled some and baffled others.

12 Monkeys

Leave it to the wonderfully weird Terry Gilliam (Brazil—a pretty smart flick itself) to bring us Bruce Willis as the most messed-up time traveler ever. Based on the short French film La Jetee, 12 Monkeys is a tragic romance wrapped in an elegant paradox—but audiences went along for the ride.

Children of Men

With no meteors striking the earth, nuclear weapons going off or global warming drowning yet another CG rendition of New York, Children of Men is a frighteningly realistic portrait of a civilization going down. Its world looks just like our own, maybe just 15 years from now; its characters are average people who accidentally become heroes or villains. In short, it's a masterpiece, and no one went to see it because it wasn't a "holiday" movie (it came out at Christmas) or a special-effects blitz. Do yourself a favor, go find it and watch it right now. Please?

Dark City

Dark City is a perfect example of a movie that might have seemed "too smart" when it first came out but later picked up a following and is widely considered a work of near-brilliance. Director Alex Proyas (Knowing) plays with the nature of reality and identity and asks some real philosophical questions—all while creepy, pasty men in black coats chase Rufus Sewell and Jennifer Connelly around an urban hell right out of German silent cinema.


Director Darren Aronofsky's first movie mixes number theory, stock market manipulation, paranoid schizophrenia and Jewish mysticism all into one 90-minute, high-contrast black-and-white mind-f--k of a movie. Whoever thought a 216-digit number—which could be the secret name of God or the solution to all of Wall Street's problems, depending on whom you ask—could be so creepy and compelling to look at onscreen?


Pi and Primer share a lot of similarities: they're both low-budget as hell (Primer is a real bargain, reportedly costing $7,000 to make), and they both rely on extreme cerebral calisthenics instead of whiz-bang effects and explosions. Yet while you can kind of follow Pi, Primer's story of three friends who invent a time machine and keep relooping themselves into the past gets so tangled that we doubt even 2001 supercomputer HAL could sort it out. And we mean that in a nice way, guys.

The Matrix

What is real? What isn't? What if this was all some sort of virtual reality and we didn't even know it? Those are some of the heady questions posted by The Matrix, which also manages to work martial arts, hacker culture, mechanical monsters and a hovercraft into the action and never feels dumbed down for doing so. Nobody had any problems understanding this movie—although the two sequels tripped themselves up with too much of everything.

Quatermass and the Pit

Imagine a movie where a grand theory about man's evolution also tackles creation myths, alien invasion and just where we get the idea of the devil from. That's what this '60s British gem, based on a BBC miniseries, is talkin' about. It's scary and fun and thought-provoking, although the rumpled, aged and bearded Professor Quatermass might be a bit too cerebral for modern action-hero fans.

Altered States

This movie has so much dialogue whizzing by about quantum states, evolutionary mutations, sensory deprivation and cosmic consciousness that your head is spinning even before William Hurt (in his screen debut) turns into first an apeman and then a big tub of primordial soup. Some of it feels like leftovers from the '60s, which is why chunks of the movie haven't aged well, but it's still like mind expansion without having to take the drugs. Groovy!

Minority Report

The fact that this was a huge hit for director Steven Spielberg and star Tom Cruise tends to overshadow how smart this movie is—not just in its main themes about predestination and free will but in the details of its portrayal of a surveillance society that doesn't look too far from now. It's gritty and sophisticated stuff ... it's just too bad that the ending sucked hard.


Based on Carl Sagan's book, Contact offers probably the most realistic depiction to date of what might actually happen when we get our first signal from an alien civilization. The movie's first two-thirds are thoughtful and provocative; its final act gets a little too over-the-top. And oh yeah, we wish Matthew McConaughey's badly written role were removed from the picture entirely. But for the most part, Contact tells it like it could be.


Gattaca is such a subtle, understated film that it's no surprise audiences never connected to it in a big way. Its lack of pyrotechnics is more than balanced by its rich, thought-provoking exploration of human bio-engineering and the dangerous ethical and social cans of worms that could open up. This is sharp stuff, and you need to pay attention.

The Fountain

It's purely a fluke that director Darren Aronofsky got on this list twice, but it's no fluke that The Fountain was criminally overlooked and underrated when it came out in 2006. It's either three separate stories or three strands of the same doomed love story that spans all of time and space, posing questions about immortality, the existence of God and the search for meaning along the way. We'll admit it's a little tough to figure out what it all means, but hey, they said that about 2001 too, didn't they?

The Day the Earth Stood Still

We're talking about the 1951 original here, and not the pointless, blank-faced 2008 remake. This compact, simple yet still awe-inspiring film poses bold questions about humanity's place in the universe, whether we deserve to be there in the first place and whether we've got what it takes to make it to the galactic big leagues. It's simultaneously inspiring and depressing, but it's touched a nerve with people for almost 60 years.


Many of the smartest sci-fi films tackle bigger themes than just "will E.T. be friendly or nasty when he finally shows up?" This little independent gem is both a rugged, realistic look at a near-future space mission and a poignant character study of a man who suddenly has to question his own existence, and whether he has any control over his own life. It was never going to be a big hit (and was not meant to be), but if you haven't seen it yet—this is what great science fiction is all about.

Donnie Darko

Time travel, alternate universes and changing the course of history are all part of the fun in this mind-bender disguised as a teen high-school horror film. Over the years, repeated viewings either bring Donnie Darko into clearer focus or make you wonder if writer/director Richard Kelly even knew what he was doing—but you still feel smarter for having tried to figure it all out.
Class dismissed!

While the science fiction genre might not be for everyone, readers who pass on it are missing some excellent literature. Below are 100 science fiction novels that are important works of literature, downright excellent or both.
For purposes of classification and simplification, the term “science fiction” is sometimes used quite loosely for some of these titles. While some specific titles might not be hardcore science fiction, the titles were produced by authors traditionally known as science fiction authors. The authors’ names will follow the titles.
  1. The Postman – David Brin
  2. The Uplift War – David Brin
  3. Neuromancer – William Gibson
  4. Foundation – Isaac Asimov
  5. Foundation and Empire – Isaac Asimov
  6. Second Foundation – Isaac Asimov
  7. I, Robot – Isaac Asimov
  8. The Long Tomorrow – Leigh Brackett
  9. Rogue Moon – Algis Budrys
  10. The Martian Chronicles – Ray Bradbury
  11. Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
  12. Something Wicked This Way Comes – Ray Bradbury
  13. Childhood’s End – Arthur C. Clarke
  14. The City and the Stars – Arthur C. Clarke
  15. 2001: A Space Odyssey – Arthur C. Clarke
  16. Armor – John Steakley
  17. Imperial Stars – E. E. Smith
  18. Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
  19. Ender’s Game – Orson Scott Card
  20. Speaker for the Dead – Orson Scott Card
  21. Dune – Frank Herbert
  22. The Dosadi Experiment – Frank Herbert
  23. Journey Beyond Tomorrow – Robert Sheckley
  24. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
  25. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? – Philip K. Dick
  26. Valis – Philip K. Dick
  27. A Scanner Darkly – Philip K. Dick
  28. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch – Philip K. Dick
  29. 1984 – George Orwell
  30. Slaughterhouse Five – Kurt Vonnegut
  31. Cat’s Cradle – Kurt Vonnegut
  32. The War of the Worlds – H. G. Wells
  33. The Time Machine – H. G. Wells
  34. The Island of Doctor Moreau – H. G. Wells
  35. The Invisible Man – H. G. Wells
  36. A Canticle for Leibowitz – Walter M. Miller, Jr.
  37. Alas, Babylon – Pat Frank
  38. A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess
  39. A Journey to the Center of the Earth – Jules Verne
  40. From the Earth to the Moon – Jules Verne
  41. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea – Jules Verne
  42. Old Man’s War – John Scalzi
  43. Nova Express – William S. Burroughs
  44. Ringworld – Larry Niven
  45. The Mote in God’s Eye – Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
  46. The Unreasoning Mask – Philip Jose Farmer
  47. To Your Scattered Bodies Go – Philip Jose Farmer
  48. Eon – Greg Bear
  49. Jurassic Park – Michael Crichton
  50. The Andromeda Strain – Michael Crichton
  51. Lightning – Dean Koontz
  52. The Stainless Steel Rat – Harry Harrison
  53. The Fifth Head of Cerebus – Gene Wolfe
  54. Nightside of the Long Sun – Gene Wolfe
  55. A Princess of Mars – Edgar Rice Burroughs
  56. Cryptonomicon – Neal Stephenson
  57. Snow Crash – Neal Stephenson
  58. The Stars My Destination – Alfred Bester
  59. Solaris – Stanislaw Lem
  60. Doomsday Book – Connie Wills
  61. Beserker – Fred Saberhagen
  62. Time Traveler’s Wife – Audrey Niffenegger
  63. The Word for World is Forest – Ursula K. LeGuin
  64. The Dispossessed – Ursula K. LeGuin
  65. Babel-17 – Samuel R. Delany
  66. Dhalgren – Samuel R. Delany
  67. Flowers for Algernon – Daniel Keyes
  68. The Forever War – Joe Haldeman
  69. Star King – Jack Vance
  70. The Killing Machine – Jack Vance
  71. Trullion: Alastor 2262 – Jack Vance
  72. Hyperion – Dan Simmons
  73. Starship Troopers – Robert A. Heinlein
  74. Stranger in a Strange Land – Robert A. Heinlein
  75. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress – Robert A. Heinlein
  76. A Wrinkle in Time – Madeleine L’Engle
  77. More Than Human – Theodore Sturgeon
  78. A Time of Changes – Robert Silverberg
  79. Gateway – Frederick Pohl
  80. Man Plus - Frederick Pohl
  81. The Day of the Triffids – John Wyndham
  82. Mission of Gravity – Hal Clement
  83. The Execution Channel – Ken Macleod
  84. Last and First Men – W. Olaf Stapledon
  85. Slan – A. E. van Vogt
  86. Out of the Silent Planet – C. S. Lewis
  87. They Shall Have Stars – James Blish
  88. Marooned in Realtime – Vernor Vinge
  89. A Fire Upon the Deep – Vernor Vinge
  90. The People Maker – Damon Knight
  91. The Giver – Lois Lowry
  92. The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
  93. Contact – Carl Sagan
  94. Atlas Shrugged – Ayn Rand
  95. The Fountainhead – Ayn Rand
  96. Battlefield Earth – L. Ron Hubbard
  97. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court – Mark Twain
  98. Little Brother – Cory Doctorow
  99. Invasion of the Body Snatchers – Jack Finney
  100. Planet of the Apes – Pierre Boulle

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The Sun Gif








Steinman Class B Heavy Hauler

While it will never get the glory of a Crossbow, or even the quiet respect of a Starmaster, the Steinman is, arguably, the most important starship in human space. The vessel, over 70 years old, is quite simply the lynchpin in all interstellar human commerce, without which there could be no Protectorate.

Little more than a command module, a pair of engines and a cargo hold, the Steinman is a simple, but effective design that has kept colonies, core worlds, and the military supplied through peace, war, and across a hundred varying climates.

Not at all fast, and usually completely unarmed, the ship’s only defense is a powerful passive sensor system, and a negative mass drive with the shortest warm-up time of any non-military human ship in operation. Often traveling in convoys with a few escort vessels, a pack of Steinman under attack will quickly go to FTL using preset coordinates, so that there is a much shorter navigational computation time. An average ship takes 1D4 minutes to perform a jump, but a Steinman can usually do it in half that (most military ships have the same jump time).

With a crew of six, a modular cargo hold that can haul up to 500 tons, and a very reasonable price tag, it is the ship of choice for most large corporations, and is the transport of choice for the military as well. But even the military versions rarely have armaments. To keep space consumption to a minimum, the Steinman has a very small power plant. At most, it might be able to be fitted with a turret, but not a very powerful one. A much more reasonable option for arming the Steinman is to put missiles on it, which need no large power source.

Steinman haulers are most often encountered hauling food, raw materials, dry goods, water, large groups of people and military supplies. Pirates tend to avoid them because highly valuable cargo is much more likely to be on a smaller, better armed, light or medium transport. Some budget colony operations also use them to transport colonization supplies and colonists. By dividing the massive cargo bay into two decks filled with bunk beds, the Steinman can carry up to 600 passengers.

Model: C-98 Class B Heavy Hauler

Class: Freighter

Crew: 6, capable of carrying up to 600 passengers

M.D.C. by location

Sensor array – 150

Engine pods (2) – 400 each

*Main body – 2,000

Command module – 800

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body would disable the vessel, causing the command module to detach as a life pod. Steinmans rarely explode; usually only when they are carrying highly flammable or volatile cargo.


Maximum Sublight Speed: .2 C, or 20% of the speed of light

Maximum Acceleration/Deceleration Rate: 4 Gs per melee round

Maximum FTL: 365 x C, or one light year per day, half that speed for civilian models.

Top Atmospheric Manuevering Speed: Mach 1.5, but can attain escape velocity on a full engine burn (cannot maneuver)

Statistical Data

Height: 44 ft

Length: 210 ft

Width: 115 ft

Cargo: 500 tons

Power Plant: Fusion Reactor

FTL Drive: NMD-365 (military) or NMD-183 (Civilian)

Range: varies with supplies carried. Estimated it could travel 400 light years, but none has ever tried.

Market Cost: 2 million credits new, 1 million credits used.

Weapon Systems: None

Sensors: The Steinman has a powerful early-warning system that gives it mass and electromagnetic field sensors with a range of 1 million miles, and powerful short-range sensors with a 300,000-mile range.
